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  • Writer's pictureAmber Lee Dodd

I'm judging the 'Dear Me' writing competition

I am thrilled to be the judge for this year's Dear Me competition. Dear Me is an oppurtunity for school children to write a letter to their future self about their hopes, dreams and aspiratons. It can be funny, inventive and creative and I look forward to some big hopes and crazy dreams. I have been popping into schools to talk about the competition and how when I was at school I could have never imagined myself as a writer! But here I am, so think of all the wonderful things you could go off to achieve. So if you go to school in Fratton email your story to by the 26th of Febuary. The winner will get lots of book tokens and be invited as a guest of honour to my booklaunch in April.

I look forward to reading them!

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